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Student Ambassador, game art and animation

7 Min Read

Art Analysis of Slime Rancher 2

It feels like since 2016 gamers have been waiting ever so patiently for the sequel to Slime Rancher. Now, in 2022 we have finally got the new release! The game has a ton of new things to offer such as; new areas to unlock, a whole new farming system, new slimes, and so much more! One of the things that personally has me locked in is the improved art style. While yes, I love the new additions to the game, I am an artist at heart and I would just like to highlight some of the cool features that I personally like a lot in the game.

First, I would like to go a little bit into the first game and its art.

Slime Rancher 2

This is art taken from the first game. As you can see the colors remain all flat with the only major texturing being in the environment. In the first game the art was still pretty, but it held a very 2-dimensional feel to it with not a whole lot of detail.  

Slime Rancher 2           

Slime Rancher 2

This is art taken from the second game! As we can see there has been a ton of improvement within texturing and detail. The colors all flow very smoothly together, and everything looks a little more 3-deminsonal. I personally love what they did style wise with the game with keeping it like the first game but improving on the art and style so much. My favorite is the environment art in this game and the overall color scheme is truly breathtaking.

Overall, in my opinion this game was well worth the wait! I enjoy everything about it and I am so excited to continue to progress into the game and see more of the beautiful scenery they have added.



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