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Halloween Nostalgia

The Origin of Halloween Colors | Blog

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Growing up in Michigan, Halloween has always been something I looked forward to every year. As soon as the leaves started to turn orange and yellow, I knew it was time for my family to start decorating the yard with Halloween decorations. My mother is an artist just like me, and she is very creative! I got my artistic abilities from her. She would go all out for Halloween with hand-made decorations, every year we would string up a huge spider web made from thick rope and put little spiders in it. My mom would make our Halloween costumes from scratch because we couldn't afford the costumes from the store. 

My favorite costumes were the Mad Hatter, Corpse Bride, and a gothic fairy witch. I also remember each year my grandparents would take us to a K.O.A park for a week. For those who don't know, K.O.A. parks are small camping sites with cabins or you can bring your own RV. The one we would go to was in Ohio, and it had a huge lake and one of those wooden playgrounds. They would host a mini Halloween show and costume competition for loads of candy, and then an early trick-or-treat event at the end of the week. 

I stopped celebrating Halloween when I was around 14, until I came to UAT! I had a roommate who took me to a haunted house located here in Phoenix, and I had to put together a costume from my slim wardrobe at the last seconds. I had an orange sweater and red leggings so I decided to be Velma! 

Now this year I plan on celebrating with the school by running Halloween themed events with GeekRHO! We're having week long movie marathon where we will be watching different Halloween movies like Beetlejuice, Frankenweenie, Blair Witch Project, and many more fun flicks to get you feeling spooky! There is also a Halloween Festival being hosted by Founder's Hall to really get you in the mood with a lot of fun events! 

Halloween is greatly loved here at UAT! It brings back all of the fun memories that I had as a kid, all of the love and time spent on making sure that I had the most candy out of my siblings, and all of the amazing costumes and decorations that my mother made for us. 


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