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world of warcraft, Game Studies

2 Min Read

Battle for Azeroth

What's up all my dudes and dudettes! So recently I've been playing a lot more World of Warcraft since BlizzCon ended. I have to say I'm super pumped with the direction the game is going. At the event Blizzard dropped the news that the new expansion Battle for Azeroth is going to be dropping sometime next year and with it there are going to be tons of changes to the game.


One of the really big changes that they're going to make is to remove the legendary gear from the game. It's being replaced with an up-gradable neck item that we will collect resources to power up. I like this new system of leveling gear since it's a lot more beginner friendly and you'll see a fair amount of people be able to get geared, outside of raiding.


Another thing I'm excited for is the addition of 6 new playable races into the WoW universe. There will be three on the Horde side and three on the Alliance side. WoW has normally only had one new race added in an expansion so this is a really cool, new addition. While I normally only play the Horde side of things, I'm most likely going to make a few Alliance characters to try out the new races on that side. 



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