Hello, you beautiful, smart, gorgeous, talented ladies out there. So, I just wanted to point out that the technology industry, is mostly a male – dominated industry. There isn’t a lot of women in the tech industry and I think that should change. Women have come a long way in the workplace in terms of what roles they are involved in. Stereotypical men’s jobs such as plumbing, building and fighting in the military have become more popular for women. However, women still make up a very small percentage of the IT jobs. It’s because not enough women are choosing technology related careers.
For example, here at UAT there are very little females, males mostly run the school. My major is Advancing Computer Science and in all my time at UAT there has been only one or two other girls in my major specific classes. That is because not enough girls are choosing IT related careers such as Computer Science, Network Security, Web Design, Robotics, Game Design and Game Programming. In spite of that, I think that I chose the right degree because, it is going to become more popular in the years to come.
Women need to realize that being in the technology world can be awesome and rewarding. If more woman would be in the technology field they would be able to encourage more girls to pursue their own interests in tech. Also, there would be less discrimination for women who are pursuing tech careers. Women have also been usually more creative than men, maybe working in a tech related field woman can think, act, approach a problem differently than a man can. Our own lovely professor Natasha Vita-More said this, “One area the female sensibility is needed within the tech world is largely due to the exponential growth of technology. By this I mean that it is not just one field, such as nanotech, biotech or AI that is growing rapidly. Further, there are numerous overlapping fields developing that are directly affecting our human nature. The female instinctively responds to activities that nurture and negate the human psyche. Because machine ethics directly relates to AI, the female voice can sharpen our collective instincts to develop machines that help us to become a kinder and more generous humanity.”
I think the reason there aren’t enough women in tech is because there aren’t enough role models for us to follow or admire. Also, because there isn’t enough talent out there. There aren’t enough girls taking tech classes in high school or college and that should change. We need more woman in technology, let’s show the world of technology that women are as much as capable as men. We can do it!
Girls join us! Let’s help the technology world. They need us.