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Meet New Freshman Hope Thoms


Hope Thoms is a Game Design major from Ridgecrest, California, who has always been captivated by technology and its possibilities. 

Gaming has been Hope’s escape from the world since she was a child. It’s where she goes when happy, bored, feeling down, alone or just chilling with friends. Since gaming has been so instrumental to her life, Hope is excited to share her passion with other people, enabling them to experience games as a place of solace, like she has. 

Hope chose UAT for its tight-knit community. While her time on campus has been short, it’s been awesome because she feels like an important part of something instead of just another number in a huge auditorium, stating, “I am extremely excited to be here.”

Although initially changing her mind regarding her degree, Hope has already begun working on her first video game and has gained some amazing friends.

Hope’s hobbies include gaming, spending time with friends, shotgun shooting sports, and running around UAT’s campus in her T-Rex costume. 

Inspired by many people in her life, Hope is currently most inspired by her close friends, Lucas, Laura and Malia. They remind her to enjoy life when she’s stressed and needs a break, stating, “I am truly grateful for them.”
