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The Network Security club here has been named THICC which stands for short The Hacking Informational Cyber Crew a clever name for the gang in the Network Security Class or Cave.

THICC first started out with the seniors that were at first freshman and created the club as they stayed late at school and figured why not make it into a club. The club was designed for students who just hang out in the cave and have a fun time. THICC do participate in a lot of different events and competitions such as CTFs (Capture the Flag).  The club also does many different tutorials and sessions to educate the members and teach us different things such as a Linux tutorial, PicoCTF, and watch some videos on different things like Stuxnet.  

THICC plans with all members on Discord! We have new students add the server to their Discord accounts and that’s where all information is housed about the club and Network Security Major events. There is a ranking system in THICC that goes from Members to Non-Skid to Admin then finally Council. It’s all measured on how often you’re in the Cave so if you become close to the Council then they have decided to include you in their ranks as long you have the passion.
So far THICC is averaging about 30 members every Friday for the meetings and events. Every semester the numbers change from a full house to just a handful of members.

THICC will still be around after I leave, and I have 2 years ahead of me. Future Network Security students I do recommend attending THICC and using the Cave as a place to work as it’s a valuable resource for new students. Many of the students who are in this club are very laid back and enjoy memes and just talking about what's in their mind. Slowly but surely I plan to be more attached to the club when I have more time to participate. 


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