Official Students' Blog of University of Advancing Technology

Tech Trek Around the Corner!

Written by Admin | Mar 17, 2014 10:00:15 PM

It was around this month last year that I had first formally visited UAT for one of their annual fly-in geek events, and as such, there will be another one here soon!

On March 29th, UAT will be having another Fly-in event, however, this one is now named the Tech Trek Expo.. I'm not entirely sure why, I felt Fly-in Geek was more suiting! Regardless, it is a fantastic opportunity that I urge every aspiring student to take.

Tech Trek follows two other events happening here on campus, namely the UAT Tech Forum and the Career Fair. It's an optimal time for students, faculty and citizens of the Tempe area to gather and learn more about the industries that they seek to become a part of, all the while building connections to possible job offers or internships later!

It all ends however on that weekend with all of the Fly-ins coming in, so it is sure to be a blast! Me and my friends have taken in our own Fly-ins when the time has come around for the past two semesters, and needless to say, we've probably been the group that has been the most active! Why just stay at the school when we can go all over downtown or uptown Tempe/Phoenix??

For anyone interested, you can find the summary of the event or at least for the Discovery expo at this link:

There's really no reason not to come.. There will be members of the industry having discussions in the theater, you can meet your potential employer on site, there will be Ice Cream and Cafe food, along with Nerf Warz, video game tournaments, you get to hang out with the cool college kids and you get $1000 credited to your tuition if you decide to come to UAT!

I urge everyone to take the chance to come visit UAT, it'll definitely be an experience you soon won't forget!


-Nicholas "TAE"