Official Students' Blog of University of Advancing Technology

The Road to Evo: Extended. Future Plans.

Written by Austin Lee | Jul 8, 2017 11:10:41 PM

Unfortunately, it’s true. Due to some complications, I won’t be able to go to Evo, but that doesn’t mean that the road has to end. The road simply has to go on for longer than what was originally intended. This isn’t about the destination, but the journey ahead. This might seem like a bit of a setback, but I see it as more time to improve.

Speaking of improving, there’s only so much a player can do to improve their capability of skill. Practicing for hours on end will help develop muscle memory but the only thing that doesn’t teach you is how to play up against another player. The real challenge comes when you come to the point of studying the mental game. Whether you need work on studying player’s playstyle in-game or recovering from a loss, there are guides everywhere to help.

There’s a term that’s been rising in the gaming community that originally started in the poker community; tilted. Being tilted can be described as frustration affecting the way you play, usually for the worse. A great example of a player countering this mystical force called tilting is a match with Armada vs. Leffen as shown below.

In 2015, Armada was down 1-2 versus Leffen. He concentrated for about 1 minute and proceeded to 4-stock Leffen with ease. This shows that getting into the right mindset can really help you more than anything. On, there are dozens of guides to help you build mental fortitude and to get into the right mindset when playing and improving. All of this goes to show that true power comes from within.