Official Students' Blog of University of Advancing Technology


Written by Admin | Aug 8, 2014 5:19:55 PM

Hey guys!

So this week my roommate, a couple of friends, a group of random people from other states, and I are participating in this event called GISHWHES!

To give you a little knowledge about it GISHWHES stands for the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen. If you are familiar with the show Supernatural and you know the actor who plays Castiel (Misha Collins) then you know who sponsors this event. Misha is a fun guy who loves giving back to the community and loves breaking world records. Misha created this event to bring people of all states, and countries around the world together to do crazy things to win a trip where you get to hang out with Misha himself. This year the winning group gets sent to Kings Landing, Croatia to be set on a pirate ship captained by Misha Collins and be treated to a survivor-style weekend adventure of revelry, mayhem and wondermentation.

This year is my first time participating in the event and I can only hope that my group gathers enough points to win!

The object of this event is that Misha posts 185 objectives for every group to complete. These objective are to take a picture or video of whatever crazy thing is required. For example, #161, which my group plans to do Thursday, is: VIDEO (20 seconds). The most popular Youtube videos are of cute animals, people falling unexpectedly, twerking, drunken debauchery, politicians doing embarrassing things, the Harlem Shake, video games, and cooking. It stands to reason that if you were to create a video with all of these elements, it would be a viral phenomenon. This video would award us with 26 points.

So far our group, confusingly called: Gods_Of_WafflesLovesThePikachusLovesScavengingAngels; which is a collaboration of all the small group names put into one giant awesome name, has done a couple of things so far. One of them, with the help of another student ambassador Nick Diley, was finished yesterday. It was: #62 IMAGE. Office art. The boss is away. Take this treasured time to create a beautiful, museum-worthy sculpture in your cubical comprised entirely of company office supplies. If the artist in you feels it is imperative to use a coworker as a base or as an integral part of the piece of work, go ahead and indulge. The world deserves it. Nick had created a scorpion completely out of office supplies that we had here behind the portal. (You can see it here)

As the week comes to a close my group will have more things completed such as: creating a Game of Thrones throne made entirely of kale, going to Olive Garden Dressed as cave men, helping out at animal/homeless shelters, giving a hug to a stranger while covered entirely in whip cream and challenging a movie theater employee to an arm wrestle for free tickets. Definitely going to be an exciting week!

That's all for the craziness this week!
