Official Students' Blog of University of Advancing Technology

A New Semester

Written by Admin | May 16, 2014 9:00:52 AM

As some may be aware, the summer semester, which is the current one, started on the 12th. I'm excited for this semester mainly because of my internship with Dorkatorium Games. But I also have 4 other classes that are pretty exciting. Well, they are exciting for me anyways.

I have C++ II, which is going to be challenging for me because I'm not that great at programming. But I am still very excited for the class. I know our first assignment is going to be making a custom string class.

I have 2 higher level art classes, Platform Integration and Advanced Character Rigging & Mocap. Platform Integration is just putting all of my art assets into a game engine. We are going to be learning some of Unreal 4, which is awesome. Advanced Character Rigging and Mocap is exactly what it says.

Then finally, I needed a social science class. So I have the history class The Civil War. I'm actually excited because the last time I learned about the Civil War was elementary school. The school did offer History of Asia, but I wasn't so interested. It got a lot of enrolled students though.

This should be an awesome semester, if I don't die of my project work.